Review: Lyngdorf TDAI-1120

Fixes the room

In many rooms, the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 will work much better than other amplifiers. Thanks to RoomPerfect.

Published 22 July 2021 - 7:00 am
Lyngdorf TDAI-1120
Geir Nordby

What are the characteristics of a good amplifier? First and foremost, it must sound good. As a rule, it means for the manufacturer to pick as expensive parts as the budget allows. Work diligently with circuit design, to thin out every little detail of the music signal.

This also applies to Danish Lyngdorf. But here, in addition, space has been cleared in the budget for an expensive room correction system (RoomPerfect). It does not help much if the amplifier gives the world’s purest music signal, if the room distorts the sound coming out of the speakers.

The amplifier technology itself is so-called Class D, which is far more efficient than traditional Class AB. Because almost none of the energy goes to heat loss, you do not need a large and heavy chassis. The TDAI-1120 weighs only 3.3 kilos, which is almost comic compared to some Class AB amplifiers of both 15 and 20 kilos.

Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 SPREAD(2)
Photo: Lyngdorf


In addition to both analog and digital inputs (including HDMI!), The amplifier supports streaming via both Chromecast and AirPlay 2. Spotify Connect is also in place, in addition, the amplifier is Roon Ready, which can stream high-resolution music files up to 192 kHz resolution. Radio listeners will appreciate internet radio with vTuner, and the times you need the simplest but not necessarily the most well-sounding path to streaming, so is Bluetooth.

Watch the presentation video below:


The Lyngdorf amplifier connects to the wireless network with the Google Home app on your iPhone or Android mobile. It appears automatically if the mobile has activated wi-fi and Bluetooth. Alternatively, you can use cable.

When the amplifier is connected to the same network as the mobile, you can download Lyngdorf Remote to the mobile. Internet radio is built into this, and you can of course choose other sources.

Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 rear
Slightly more sparingly equipped on the entrance front than its competitors, but the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 has a microphone input, where the measuring microphone is connected and works wonders. Photo: Lyngdorf

You can also use the app to activate and set up RoomPerfect. Plug the microphone into the back of the amplifier and follow the instructions. It should be said that lately the iPhone app has often frozen, and in those cases I have had to control the amplifier from a browser. Let’s hope there is an update to the app soon.

Room correction is done first for the main seating, then for a minimum of three other places in the room, to get the most information about the acoustics. Once the measurements are made, you can choose the correction for the main space or a more general one that works throughout the room. You can also choose between different sound signatures, such as Bass or Action Movie, if you think the sound becomes too sterile after correction.

Lyngdorf TDAI-1120
Photo: Lyngdorf

Neutral and well-sounding

The first time I connected the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 was without room correction. I use Roon whenever I can, as I like the interface well. But also Chromecast from mobile is used look and often.

The sound without RoomPerfect is detailed and nice, but maybe a little cold. Taylor Swift’s Exile with Bon Iver as backing band sounds nice, with a good touch in the piano. Justin Vernon’s voice is a little slimmer than I’m used to, and the room a little shallower. But the details are there, and the amplifier has good enough control on the compact speakers Dynaudio Evoke 20. Compared to the Primare I15 Prisma, I miss a little more courage in the midrange area, and the deep bass seems to flow a little more with Lyngdorf.

Activate RoomPerfect and it will be something quite different. How much happens depends a lot on the room: the better the acoustics the smaller the difference. But both with the Evoke 20 in the TV room, and the wall-mounted B&W AM-1 on the roof terrace, I experienced that the focus became sharper, without the sound becoming sharper. The stereo perspective was also significantly improved, thanks to a better phase transition between treble and midrange.

Taylor Swift’s voice is more distinct from the music, while the instruments in a large symphony orchestra are better separated. The soundscape is bigger, everything grows.

What the amplifier lacks is party bass. When pop or rap is played loud, there is a lack of control in the rhythm section. Both with the Dynaudio speakers and the floor-standing Sonus faber Olympica III. Here, Lyngdorf has a little less abundance compare to Primare, despite the same stated power of 60 watts in 8 ohms – which Lyngdorf claims to double in 4 ohms.

Lyngdorf TDAI-1120
Photo: Lyngdorf

Lyngdorf TDAI-1120: Conclusion

The room is the weakest link in the signal chain, it is said, and this is confirmed with Lyngdorf TDAI-1120. Where the amplifier initially sounds nice but maybe a bit slim and anemic, it turns into a diamond-cut magnifying glass on the music, when RoomPerfect is activated.

The stereo image becomes so large, open and focused, that most other things fade. That is until you play loud. Because eventually it slips into the bass, which makes us want a little more.

If you have problems with the acoustics, then you should definitely consider this amplifier, if this is your budget. If, on the other hand, you do not intend to use room correction, it does not defend the price tag as well.

Lyngdorf TDAI-1120

We think

Full of features, excellent room correction. Nice sound. Sounds a bit tame without room correction. No remote control, must be controlled with the app.

3 thoughts on “Lyngdorf TDAI-1120”

  1. Dear Sir,

    Just read your great review about Lyngdorf TDAI-1120. I need your advice for my audio setup.

    In my office, I have Rega Planar 6 with Aria MK3 and I wanna connect it with Dynaudio Special Forty. I prefer to get Integrated Amps for its simplicity & multiple sources. I am considering several options within range of my budget, i.e., TDAI-1120, Evo 75, ElicitR. I was thinking about Powernod but Bluesound actually not recommend it for Special Forty as they said not enough to drive it.

    Would you give me an advice the best sufficient integrated amps for my audio setup? I am open for options other than 3 I mentioned above.

    Fyi, my typical music would be coldplay, u2, john mayer, fourplay, kenny g, etc

    Really appreciate your kind help and advice.


  2. Well,he must be right and by the way would you mind reviewing new Lyngdorf Audio as I am planning to purchase it soon.
    Thank you

  3. Thanks for the review. I went and bought it, and I’m not disappointed. Best amp I have ever had. It has an remarkable ability to make crappy speakers sound good. Now I can’t wait to hear it on a decent set of speakers. Had some issues with the wifi connection as it requires a reasonably strong signal, but after hardwiring it, those issues went away. Using a single external 120W sub. Like the dual external RCA outs that can be fully customized. Updated to the latest firmware which has a few more features. Highly recommended purchase.

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