If you want to stream music to a system that doesn’t have a wireless connection, there are several options. The easiest is to buy a Chromecast, or a simple Bluetooth receiver that can be bought cheaply.
This gives you the convenience of streaming music from your mobile phone over the stereo, but you may not get the same quality of sound.
Pro-Ject believes their Bluetooth receiver gives you better sound. In fact, it supports Bluetooth 5.0 and aptX-HD, which has a slightly higher bandwidth and potentially better sound than ‘regular’ Bluetooth.

The little box connects to an available input on the system, either analogue or via the optical digital input, and then you just pair your mobile phone with the BT Box E HD and press play, and the music flows into the room.
The compact Bluetooth receiver handles up to eight devices that don’t require pairing every time you want to play music, and it comes with an external power supply. You can choose between black or white, and the price is listed at 149 euros.