Those who have lived for a while remember Bang & Olufsen’s gorgeous turntables in aluminum and wood veneer, with sleek tone arms and a very minimalist design. Today, several of them are iconic, and sought after in the second-hand market, if not for the sound, then at least for the design and quality.
One of the better of a bygone era, if not the best of them all, the Beogram 4000, is long out of production. But now Bang & Olufsen has launched something they call Classics progam, which allows you to get a Beogram 4000 from 1972, refurbished by knowledgeable hands.
The turntable was once designed by Jacob Jensen, and had B & O’s signature plate in aluminum with rubber grooves, a straight tangential arm with an extra sensor arm next to it, fully automatic and electronic operation.
As stated in the press release:
– Through Classics, we explore ‘Design for Longevity’, which is a principle in the circular economy, which seeks to preserve the heritage and value of some of our most iconic products from previous decades. We know that people still use B&O products in their homes 25, 35 and still 45 years after they were made, which is quite unique in our industry, “says product manager Mads Kogsgaard Hansen, who is head of Classics at Bang & Olufsen.
Beogram 4000 is the first product in the Classics program, which is purchased, overhauled, modernized and refurbished for a continued long life and will be available in limited numbers during the year.